
Hi, Iā€™m Fadhil šŸ‘‹

Howdy, i'm an Indonesian Front-end Developer and constantly learning new technologies. Currently diving into React.js and Gatsby to enhance my skills. Always looking for new projects to challenge and improve my abilities. Outside of work I like to watch football match and reading books.

Selected projects (6)

Quiz App

React ā€¢ Material UI

Tenzies Game

React ā€¢ Material UI

Quote Generator

React ā€¢ Typescript ā€¢ Chakra UI

Password Generator

HTML ā€¢ CSS ā€¢ Javascript

Responsive Web Dev - DevChallenges.io

HTML ā€¢ CSS ā€¢ Responsive

Astro - Portofolio


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The Power Of React Hooks


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur et ultrices blandit neque ege

Get in touch

Email me at fdhlakbr280102@gmail.comfdhlakbr280102@gmail.com link or follow me via my social links.